What does heaven actually look like? The woman who came alive again after death told, even the doctors were surprised!

How Life looks After Death: Where does a person go after death? Where does the soul go when it leaves the body, does it remember this world or not? There are many such questions, which have been going on in people’s mind for centuries and the correct answer has not been found till date. By the way, a woman has shared her experience about this, claiming that she has returned after death and has spent 5 years in heaven.

Dr. Lynda Cramer has shared such an experience that people will get goosebumps. Can anyone come back even after living in heaven for 5 years? Kramer claims that she died early in the morning on May 6, 2001 and her journey to heaven began. Although during this time he was taken to the hospital but his soul was reaching heaven.

What does heaven look like?
According to Linda Kramer, only after 14 minutes of death, she saw big mountains, which were higher than Mount Everest. During an interview with NDE Diary on YouTube, Kramer said that she found herself standing in a field of flowers, from where she was looking at mountains 30 thousand times higher than Mount Everest. They were seeing sky-touching buildings, in comparison to them the tall buildings of Dubai would look like huts. There was also a lake there and a very beautiful view was visible. Not only this, according to Cramer, people were also present there, with whom she was talking.

How true are the words of the woman?
Kramer claims that his whole experience was like living there for about 5 years. Now it cannot be said how much to believe his words, but such claims of the world after death have been made earlier also. For some they are positive, while some call them painful and negative. Some also have experiences related to religious beliefs. According to Neuroscientific Research, such experiences are caused by impaired multisensory integration of the body, which is caused by the fear of death.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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